


 Welcome to the official website of the “Electrifying” Eta Omicron  Omega Chapter (ΗΟΩ) of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. It is my distinct honor and privilege to serve as president of this historic chapter, which now has a membership of 108 strong, elegant and dynamic women.  Since our Charter date of November 18, 1961, we have graciously served the city of High Point, North Carolina, for 61 years.  The members of Eta Omicron Omega Chapter are committed and enthusiastic in the execution of the International Program Initiatives set forth by our International President & CEO, Danette Anthony Reed.  The 2022-2026 theme, “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service & Sisterhood”, encompasses six initiatives that are designed to advance the mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha and improve the lives of those we serve.

               “Foundation Initiative”                  

Initiative 1: Strengthen Our Sisterhood

“Program Initiatives”       

Initiative 2: Empower Our Families

Initiative 3: Build Our Economic Wealth

Initiative 4: Enhance Our Environment

Initiative 5: Advocate for Social Justice

Initiative 6: Uplift Our Local Community    

For Alpha Kappa Alpha women who are relocating to the High Point area, we invite you to visit and join our chapter because your service and expertise is always welcome in ΗΟΩ!  For the community at large, we desire your support of our chapter and our philanthropic arm, “The Ivy Hands Foundation.” We encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news regarding our Chapter and our service projects. We look forward to partnering with you soon!

We hope you will find our virtual home to be a valuable tool for obtaining information about our chapter and its history, our programs and events, and other announcements as we enhance our community.

Yours in Service,

  Tanesha Roberts-Lowe, Ph.D.

President, Eta Omicron Omega Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Email: TaneshaLowePh.D.EtaOmicronOmega@gmail.com


DISCLAIMER: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is not responsible for the design or content of this website and the pages therein. They are the sole property and responsibility of Eta Omicron Omega Chapter who maintains this website. Any inquiries concerning this website should be directed to the Eta Omicron Omega Technology team.

Last Date Updated 

December 11,  2023

 Site Map

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Chapter Activities